
I came from Assam to Mumbai for my cancer surgery, during my treatment I came to know that I had multiple blockages which needed treatment before the cancer surgery. I met Dr. Hamdulay who did minimally invasive bypass surgery because of which i was ready for my cancer operation within 15 days.

I was working in Dubai, there I discovered that I had heart disease & I needed urgent surgery. I wanted to do my surgery in Mumbai so I started my research and I found Dr. Hamdulay through Internet. I had 5 blockages, he had performed minimally invasive bypass surgery because of which the recovery was very fast & I was fit to work again.

I was suffering from multiple blockages in heart and felt heaviness and pressure in my chest. A stress test indicated that I needed a bypass surgery. I am glad Dr. Hamdulay was my surgeon, his caring approach helped me recover quickly.

The first impression was like that he didn’t see me as a patient, rather he saw me as a human being. The human touch inclined me, I decided to get operated by him. I started walking in 3 days after my minimal invasive bypass surgery.

Dr. Hamdulay explained me about Minimally Invasive Bypass Surgery, I am glad that I got the opportunity to be treated under this surgery. It cures very fast, it heals very fast and I am back to my work very fast.

My angiography report showed that I had 3 blockages. I underwent Minimal Invasive Bypasss Surgery performed by Dr. Hamdulay. The fast recovery helped me to get back to my normal life quickly than what I was expecting before the surgery.

“By the time I was in my early 40s, my heart was so weak that I never expected to reach 50. I had a heart attack when I was 41 but no one believed me and the damage was done. Within a year, I had another massive heart attack that required bypass surgery since my condition got worse. Fortunately, my heart surgeon Dr. Hamdulay performed minimally invasive robotic surgery . Today, I’m doing things I thought I’d never do again.